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DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH CHILD NEGLECT  by Tracy Ohovwore Some children who have experienced some sort of neglect at a period of their lives, most especially those ones who could not recover from the consistent neglect and maltreatment, tend to develop some sort of disorder.  This disorder could be mild or some time, very serious that it can last for a lifetime.  Have you wondered why some persons suddenly develops some sort of idiosyncrasies? Yes, many owe reasons to certain traumatic experiences that had to go through during their childhood.  Children who have experienced abuse and neglect are therefore at increased risk for a number of problematic developmental, health and mental health outcomes, some of which includes; anxiety, depression, psychosis, suicide, etc.  According to the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), six out of ten children experience some form of child neglect or abuse in Nigeria.  To portray the level of urgency, a research on the “Prevalence & Nature of
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DID YOU KNOW? Human teeth are the only part of the body that can’t heal themselves.

The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself and tooth enamel is the hardest of all substances manufactured by the human body. Each tooth contains about 55 miles of canals for a total of over 1700 miles. Repairing means either regrowing what was lost or replacing it with scar tissue.  Our teeth cannot do that. Our brain for example will not regrow damaged brain cells but can repair an area by laying down other scar-type tissue .  Teeth will only continue to 'rot' in many cases from the bad germs that always live our mouth. There is no going backwards to repair itself or stop the destruction. It will keep going. If you allow us to, we can try to find damage early before you ever sense it has started, and repair it early.  That means less damage to the original tooth body part, less time, less money, longer lasting repair, less chances of pain. Managing your mouth is a lot Like owning a car---find damage early, and with regular maintenance and


BE AT PEACE WITH YOURSELF AND THE WORLD - Elvira Jordan Good Morning Beloved!!! Do you know how it feels to be comfortable, safe and secure in who you are and where you are in life? That kind of safety and comfort is not attached to any material thing, status or position. It is just a firm state of contentment that comes with being grounded in who you are from the inside. Peace is often described as the absence of war. It is also referred to as the freedom from disturbances…tranquillity and calm. Despite the fact that the world is plagued with a lot of issues, when one is fully grounded in their environment, (being around people they love and trust, working in environments they feel safe, and doing the things they love) it builds a part of the human constitution that stimulates a sense of safety.  The only other step is to surrender to the Divine Power of God, in the knowing that He guides and protects you daily.  When you have this peace and calm within you, it helps you to be more pr

The Growing Menace of THYROIDISM; Prevention

  Thyroidism is a general term for a medical condition that affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. The two main types of thyroidism are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, whereas hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid gland produces too much.   Here are some common symptoms of hypothyroidism. 1. Feeling tired, sluggish or lacking energy 2. Unintentional weight gain, particularly in the midsection of the body 3. Feeling cold even in mild temperatures 4. Thinning or falling hair, particularly on the scalp 5. Dry, rough or itchy skin     While thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove part or all of the thyroid gland, which is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, just above the collarbone. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development.   There are different types of thyroidectomy procedures:   1. Total thyroidectomy: Removal of the entire thyroid gl