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Good Morning Beloved! 😊

I was walking along a busy road one day and I saw a beautiful lady who should be a few years younger than me, struggling with some bags. Normally, that eternal beef between ladies (which I still don’t understand) would have made me pass without even noticing. But I did notice and offered to help. The surprise on her face, that a young girl like herself would offer help…. it was everything. 

I helped her with her bags to a nearest bustop where she took a cab and we bid each other farewell. The smiles on her face and many many “thank you! God bless you” was enough payment for me. To my soul, it was like a chilled glass of juice on a sunny day.

Fast forward to many months later when I moved to a new city that is known for its harshness and cruelty, I had a called a cab and had this big luggage I couldn’t lift into the cab. The cab man sat still and watched me struggle with the bags, pretending not to see.

Then out of nowhere, a young guy approached me and lifted the big bag up and placed it very well inside the car and just walked away without saying a word.

I was howling my sincere appreciation and he didn’t even turn, he just waved and continued his journey. That very instant, my mind flashed back to the lady I had helped months back, in a different city.

There’s a sentence trending on social media, “Stay Wicked”. I know it’s all cruise but I cringe whenever I hear or see this. I know this statement is used mostly in love/ relationships but I still see it in a negative light.

There are times in my life where I have questioned my kind heart and wondered how I could switch over to the wickedness of the world because sometimes, humans will test you so much that you would want to throw your goodness into the ocean and just serve people a higher level of wickedness…more than they serve.

These days, people see kindness as being f00lish or naive. They think you weak, gullible or stewpid, simply because you choose to be good.

Some of us have actually tried to follow the world in its path of “wickedness”. I have personally tried to return the same energy people give to me, but then, wickedness and cruelty is not in my nature. 

With the kind of world I have experienced around me from childhood into adulthood, I am supposed to be hard hearted and rigid. But No. I just can’t be that person because cruelty is like poison to my soul.

Despite the fact that some of our acts of kindness are being repaid with cruelty from the very people we show it to, I noticed that my acts of kindness always returns to me. Definitely not from the people I show it to in most cases, but it always comes back.

Helping a friend financially when they are down, I sometimes do not know who to turn to when I am also financially down, but some how, people who are distant will render financial assistance out of nowhere. Just like the story I narrated earlier.

I have noticed that every little act of kindness I render always comes back when I need it… no jokes.

Even though the people you choose to be kind to are sometimes ungrateful, for your own sake, do not stop showing kindness. Every deed (good or bad) has a way of returning to us, and kindness returns in the moments we need it the most, from people we do not even expect.

I want us to review our mindsets, look beyond the harsh realities of this world and tap into our humanity, where we treat each other with love, offer a helping hand, speak softly to others, put a smile on someone’s face and just be kind.

That nice word, that smile, that kindness or little help could brighten someone’s day, and have a reoccurring effect that will circle back to you or your loved ones.

Kindness is an investment, and it always returns even greater than what you give out. Kindness is Golden.

BIBLE VERSE: Col. 3:12
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, restore the humanity in me and give me a heart of kindness to every living being on earth. Wherever I go, people will also show me kindness and offer help when I need it. Doors that are shut to others will be opened up for me. Amen πŸ™πŸ½ 

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead.

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  1. This is really inspiring it’s the first time I’m opening your link to actually finish a story . It’s nice that people still think this way you were right about everything the world will actually be a better place to live in if everyone could just spread a little bit more of kindness 🀦‍♀️ why can’t everyone be like Jesus and we the Timibra’s πŸ˜‚

  2. I loved reading this. It's actually the first time i'm opening your messages to finish reading. Promise, you have a follower now and a fan too.

    1. I am glad you liked it. Thank you so much for your kind words


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