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Good Morning Beloved 😊

A few days ago, I stumbled on a video where Apostle Femi Lazarus spoke about “Seeing” and it inspired my message today.

Even as a child, I have always lived in a fantasy world and sometimes I feel like I take the fantasy thing too far because at some point, everything around me could be on fire and I will just create an alternate reality in my head where I am dancing in the snows.

Everyone else could be worried or fearful about a dire situation and I will just picture  the best possible outcome of that situation and allow myself to remain there, while others bugger their minds off on how serious the matter is.

Some people have always seen my view as “Toxic Positivity” and that has never been a problem to me.

There are times when I would agree that I took the dreaming thing too far, but more often than not, it was the ideal thing for me because while others are worked up over the situation and worried sick about a problem, my own alternate reality keeps my mind and thoughts clear enough to see a solution and envision the best possible outcomes.

Dreams in this context does not refer to your night mares and unconscious fantasies. Visions doesn’t translate to prophetic alterations. It is the ability to create a picture of what you want for yourself and what you want your life to be.

Dreams and visions are created when the pineal glands (third eye) is active and put to use. It allows you to operate in an alternate universe, with pictures and sceneries that you decide upon. It is like a blank canvass and you are the painter. You have to decide on what you want to paint and what colour combinations you want to use. The outcome is totally up to you.

We all do this unconsciously. Every moment or time we are not occupied with our phones, in a conversation or asleep, we sometimes drift into our own thoughts and ponder on certain theories, some life occurrences and possible outcomes of our greater fears. This can be referred to as your unconscious thoughts.

When you purposefully decide to see, and you consciously guide the movement of your vision into thoughts and the scenarios that make up what you see, you will be led into creating a picture of what your future could be. Constantly carrying that picture in your mind and expanding on the vision that you alone can see is what makes a dream.

Unfortunately, most people spend their visions and dreams on all the things that could go wrong like … how much suffering they will endure now that Tinubu is President, the possibility of being kidnapped on their journey from Port Harcourt to Bayelsa, how their child could be running so fast that he will fall down and break his knee. What a waste of “Dream Time”.

One thing we must understand is that the thoughts we continually harbor will eventually become a reality. Maybe not exactly how we see it but with the same vibe and energy. What we see will eventually manifest in our lives. Our dreams and visions are the first steps to creating our reality.

That is the creation power we have, as we were created in the likeness of the creator (God).

We have been created in God’s image to be creators of our own reality and that creation power starts with how far we can see and how well we can dream, followed by the speaking (God spoke) and the action to do the work. But first, you must SEE.

Like Abraham and several others blessed by God in the Bible, they were asked to either See or Look. Some thing they had already seen and thought of were brought to life. Vision

I want to tell you today that you cannot go farther than you can see. You cannot achieve greater than what you can dream about. 

Dreams and Visions are free!
Feel free to dream big dreams and use your dream time wisely.

As you go about your day today, ponder on these words.

Bible Verse: Genesis 13:14-15
14 The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. 15 All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. 

Prayer:  Dear Lord, open my eyes to see farther than my current reality and situation. Give me clarity of vision, that will create a life of beauty and perfection. Amen. 
Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead.
@elviraspen @bryterbrand 

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