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Good Morning Beloved!!!

Today, I want you to reflect on the happenings in the society for any given period. Have you noticed that there is a constant circle of negative events and happenings around the world, to keep us on our toes?

Whenever you switch on your radio, television or you just decide to cruise up on social media, the media always has a load of negative or devastating events that keeps people talking, lamenting, criticizing or just simply holds our minds in a constant vibration of fear, worry and anxiety.

 In the world we live today, so many things are trying to make us loose focus in the most important things that we need, by dragging at our attention with negativity. Everything in the news, on social media, on conventional media, is trying to distract us. 

It may seem like a normal life situation to have negativity happening around us, but it is not just a coincidence. It represents something very serious in the general progression of life.

If it's not the elections in the US, it is P-Diddy and his drama; kidnapping and missing children, organ harvesters, Political unrest, flooding in Nigeria, impending food crisis, arguments over oil regions, hike in fuel price ...

It is a constant rolling ball of sadistic events that are over stretched and over analysed on the media, to keep people in a constant low vibration of fear, worry, anxiety, lack of boundaries, insecurity, paranoia etc. 

And you should know by now that negative energy is very contagious. It spreads across the globe like wild fire. It imprisons the minds of the greater collective by suppressing the majority with a constant supply of negative news and event.

This unending negativity is a calculated distraction from “the forces that be”, to control the behaviours and focus of people. To distract us from our personal lives and immediate environment; to ensure that we are focusing on the frivolities of the world, rather than focusing on building our personal lives and contributing positively to our personal environment. 

We all need to be aware of this dynamic and to break out of the collective negative consciousness. We have to break away from how the world has programed us to believe, think and act; to break away from the normal expected reactions.

This can only be done if we DETACH our selves from the bitterness and anxiety of the world, by FILTERING the contents we consume and consciously controlling the effect it has on us. 

In the midst of all the noise, the voice of God is always in the background of our conscious mind, struggling to keep our thinking at a place; trying to distract us from all the noise.

For most of us who find it difficult to hear and understand the voice of God, we are so much distracted by our 'monkey mind' that the God energy in us is constantly suppressed and relegated to the background ... but it is always there. 

When all is chaotic and noisy, and you don't know what to focus on, look deep within yourself. Find the God energy within you and focus on it. 

Filter your mind and consciously decide on the kind of news, articles, stories and discussions you want to engage in. Not everything happening around the world deserves your attention and energy.

Focus on the God energy within you. Focus on the YOU WITHIN YOU. 

BIBLE VERSE: Philippians 4:8 
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, may I only attract and be attracted to goodness and good news, no matter what is happening in the world. As I step out today, every effort will yield double results. Amen πŸ™πŸ½

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead.


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