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NOBODY TO BLAME - Elvira Jordan

NOBODY TO BLAME - Elvira Jordan

Good Morning Beloved 😊
In our journey through life, we have all gone through difficult situations, and as the typical human mind works, while reflecting on the situation we look for the causes, who to blame, what to blame and where to transfer our aggression.

It is often a common feeling, and blaming our problems on someone or something will most times make us feel better about ourselves and about our situation, but doesn’t guarantee that the negative circle will end or lessons will be learnt. 

I have seen friendships end, relationships broken, good contacts savored because someone had to take the fall or be blamed for something.

There is even a pattern on social media, especially on Twitter; whatever blame we cannot direct at someone or something, we can always blame it on Desmond Elliot. πŸ˜‚ (Just for fun.)

The blame game makes people feel better about what has happened to them or what they are going through.

Some people who are in the early stages of awakening will tell you that they no longer blame people for the issues in their lives, no matter the role other people might have played. They rather blame themselves and take the beating for it.

As much as this is good in building healthy relationships with the people around you, it often results to self loathing, negative self reflection and negative self talk. This on its own leaves a negative imprint on you general vibe and self esteem, without your notice.

Blaming yourself for what has happened is sometimes inevitable, especially when you know you could have done better or done things differently. But I say to you today, it is not worth it.

We all have to come to the understanding that everything in life has already been predestined. No matter how ugly a situation may look, it was divinely modeled that way to serve a purpose, to teach a lesson, to strengthen you or to simply help you pay more attention to yourself and your surroundings.

If you truly want to live a peaceful life, you have to understand that the child who broke a dish may have been careless about it but doesn’t deserve to be blamed. The child should rather be taught how to handle dishes carefully next time. He/She is just a child with fragile hands. There is Nobody to Blame.

Sometimes we get too emotional with trivial things and earthly belongings that will not follow us anywhere, so we just need to blame somebody for it or look for an avenue to vent. Is it worth the stress?

Remember that your relationship didn’t end because you were a bad person or your partner was a bad person. Maybe wrong decisions were made on both ends, it was predestined to happen that way. There’s Nobody to Blame.

As much as you can justify your own line of actions, so those the other party. And as long as you see your mistakes in a situation, it was the only right decision for you at the time. Learn and move on. There is Nobody to Blame.

Rather than wasting time and mental space on the reasons why someone, something or even yourself was responsible for something that happened, how about you dedicate that time and energy to finding the lessons within and seeking the solutions and resolutions.

I want to let us know today that nothing…nobody…not even the Devil can be blamed for whatever situations, problems or issues that we face any day. 

Everything happens for a greater end, a greater good or a greater lesson. There is Nobody to Blame.

BIBLE VERSE: Colossians 1:22

yet now he has reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and without blemish and blameless before him,

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help us to see the beauty of each day that You have gifted us. May I not carry the hurts and mistakes of myself and others. Let your Light of Grace shine so brightly on us, that we our lives will be a testimony of Your Goodness. Amen

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead.

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