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Good Morning Beloved!
In the past weeks…or even months, I found myself in a really really dark place. A place I thought I had broken out of years back. 

One thing I have realized in this journey of personal growth is that you are never truly done with healing. Once in a while, old wounds will reopen themselves to test how far you have come and what is left to heal.

These past weeks were really tough for me. I found myself crawling back into mindsets, feelings and situations that took me years to break out of. It was like every personal work I had done for the past four years all came crashing down on me in one instant.

The worst part was that this crash was such a gradual process that I didn’t realize what was going on until I found myself in the abyss of my darkness. See it like drifting down into an ocean slowly until you find yourself at the bottom and realize you actually fell 10,000 feet down.

I wallowed in these negative thoughts and emotions for a very long period without seeing it as an issue until I hit a breaking point and decided to recount my steps.

I asked myself what had gone wrong, what I had failed to do or what external influences I had let in. Despite having struggled with these negative emotions for a while, dwelling on very thing that was going wrong, It took me just a moment of thought and a few strategic guidance from the Universe to realize what had happened. 

I spent a few hours of thought trying to dig myself out of the negative emotions, to truly understand what was going on. Once I was able to shift my mind away from my problems to start a conscious quest for solutions, my thoughts guided me to search for the causes of my problem and I realized I had relapsed when it comes to staying in touch with my Source Energy.

Every growth and milestone I had crossed in the past was because I was able to tap into my Source Energy. The Divine Power of God. The Strength of the Universe (or whatever your personal religion calls it).

In tapping into this Source Energy, I had to stay consistent in several activities that centered around PRAYER and COMMUNICATION with my Higer Self and with God. Once I broke that consistency in the name of “being busy”, there was a vacuum that opened up enough room for every unwanted energy to come through.

I want to tell you today that our lives are linked by nature to a Higher Spiritual source, irrespective of our personal beliefs and religions. Navigating your way through this life greatly depends on how strong you can hold on to that Higher Power and how well you can dance with it.

 You know I have never been one to criticize religions, as I am a strong believer that there are several…several ways to get to God.

Whatever way you have found, I urge you to cling to it, hold it tight, strengthen your grip and daily seek out ways to tap into that Higher Realm of Source Energy. Be in constant communication and rapport with the Divine.
Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything,but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord, show us Your Hand mightily today. Let us experience Your Grace and Glory in a new dimension. Let Your Power work mighty wonders for us today. Amen. 

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead.

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