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Good Morning Beloved! 🥰

In recent times, I have prioritized my inner self over the outter personality and how it relates to everyday living. I mean prioritizing the content of my thoughts, the things I watch on social media, the people I give space in my head, my spiritual being, my mood, my vibes and every other none physical aspect of this babe called Elvira.

Of late, rather than focusing on getting everything in and around my life right, I have focused more on fixing the aspects of myself that people cannot see, and this inner fixing has greatly shaped the personality that people see.

By keeping tabs on these inners aspects of me, I have gradually shifted my outlook and view towards everything. This example plays very well in my mood and how it affects my daily life.

I realized that I thrive better when I am happy, joyful, grateful and upbeat. Everything about my life feels easier and smoother when my mood is good. So I concentrate on maintaining this mood all day-every day, to protect myself and give the most in what I do and the people closest to me.

For me, the first week of the year started with a little unexpected bump that held me trapped in a negative feeling for a few days. While I allowed myself to experience what I was feeling at the time and how to get past it, I realized that I fed the negative emotions around that situation so much that it began to reflect on my relationship with people and how others respond to me.

I carried a certain “bad mood” for those few days and that bad mood was in turn mirrored to me by total strangers who didn’t even know what I was feeling or going through at the time. 

Suddenly the smiles I get on the road turned to frowns. Things that seemed easy for me became difficult. Places that were very warm and receptive became cold. It was like the world around me was also relying on my bad mood and was working hard to keep the bad mood going.

I had to snap out of it as soon as possible because I realized it is dangerous for my inner self to dwell on things that I cannot control. Moreover, the most annoying was how the whole situation was affecting my vibes. And in this world we live in, the vibe you carry will determine the kind of things that flow into your space. Negative vibes attracts negativity while positive vibes attract positivity. 

Rather than beating myself over something I cannot change, I focused my attention on fixing my view of the situation, my reaction to it and the narrative I have of the issue in my head. I needed to return to default setting really fast so I gradually shifted the negative emotions I was feeling to something that would best soothe my need to always be happy. Somehow my narrative of the situation even changed.

Within a few days, I began to clear off the negativity that was like a bad odour following me around. I payed attention to the things that elevated my spirit. For me it was music, more money, positive interactions, a little party, good food and some… laughs 😁

As my joy levels began to go up, my life became brighter again. My joy was so contagious that it was reflecting in my work, the people I interact with, my daily result etc. Where I met hostility previously had changed into friendliness and approval. Things that seemed difficult for me became much easier.

Our mood is a very sensitive part of our lives that generally organizes our daily experiences. Whatever we carry inside of us reflects outwardly and people can read it.

Even though people can’t categorically tell what you carry inside, they reflect it back to you in their actions towards you. A good mood and positive attitude is like the aroma of a sweet perfume, while a negative mood follows like a bad odour.

As much as it is difficult to maintain a positive mood in a world that has been designed to tear you down, it is important to keep your inner peace under check and be sure it is positive by keeping your mood clean.

If that is the only work you do on a daily basis, you have done more for yourself than you can ever imagine.

As you go about your day today, be sensitive and intentional about your interactions and reactions. Keeping your mood and your vibe clean should be your top priority.

Do this regularly and watch how the world around you and life in general changes for the best.

BIBLE VERSE: Ecclesiastes 3:12
I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 

PRAYER: Dear Lord, let Joy and Happiness follow us today like a sweet smelling perfume.  As we bask in Your Grace, may we attract everything Good and Beautiful that the earth has to offer. Amen 🙏🏽

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead. 

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  1. Thank you for this wonderful piece my sweet aunt ❤️

  2. Thanks dear. It mirrors my experiences and really ignoring those things that put us in bad mood and concentrating on our inner happiness is the best. We owe no one our lives end we must not let others live our lives for us. God bless you... Alice


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