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Good Morning Beloved! 😘

I was reflecting on my life from 15-10-5 and even 2 years back and I identified some things that I want to share. 

If you replay your memories in a linear manner, taking chunks of time away from where you are, you will be able to calculate your growth and how far you have come from 2-5-10-15 years ago.

When you are living and experience life on a daily (which I absolutely recommend) it is hard to really see how far you have come and what brought you this far. 

But when you detach from your current reality and reflect on your life in a long period of time from a birds-eye-view, it is easier for you to see your life’s journey, the progress you have made, the pivotal points of that progress and how they worked together to bring you to where you are.

It’s more like when you are walking along the road, you wouldn’t know what is on the other street until you make a turn into that street. Even then, you will only see as far as your eyes can go.

When you are elevated a little above ground in a tall building or an aircraft, not only can you view the whole street; you may also see the streets after, the streets you passed before and even outlines of rivers and other landmarks.
Same way it is with life.

When you take an elevated view of your life over a long period, you will see all that led you to where you are.

At each stage of our lives, when we are about to take another step forward or higher (whether we are aware of these changes or not) we often meet with reoccurring patterns and events that are unique with every situation. These patterns are necessary to go through every and any transition phase.

One common pattern during transitions are difficulties, hardships, tragedies and conflicts. There’s no other phenomenon that has elevated any man or pushed him to be better like difficulties and tragedies.

These phenomenons come to shake us up, disrupt our lives and put us in uncomfortable situations. Our normal human reflexes are stirred towards handling these situations, working through grief, healing, solving conflicts and reaching resolutions.

Whether the end of a conflict is acceptance, healing, resolution, all three or any other forms, it prepares you for the next step in your journey, a new phase or your evolution.

Asides tragedies and conflict, another aspect of Transition is reoccurring patterns (especially negative ones) you are yet to resolve.

There are times you will feel like something that happened 5 years ago is happening again. Maybe different people or situations, but the dynamic remains the same. This phase points you to aspects of your life that you may have ignored or failed to transform, giving you another chance at making a change.

In our transition period. We sometimes feel like our life is going in spiralπŸŒ€. It may seem we are not moving at all or just moving in circles, but is actually a spiraling staircase that takes us from one point to another with thesame experiences and lesson coming back over and over again until we learn.

Then we encounter old memories in new people, old environments in new places, old behaviors in new people and maybe even new behaviors in old people: signs that points us to where we have been, where we are going and what’s ahead of us.

I want to urge us today to be attentive to every detail of our lives as they unfold. I have often told us that Nothing is a mere coincidence. Every life occurrence is linked to an aspect of our lives and should be noted and examined for possible angles of growth.

Life in general happens in a sequence, transiting from stage to stage, level to level, point to point. We can win through life by being attentive, noting these transition points and making good use of them. 

Whatever you may be experience today is a pivotal point towards a much needed transition. Acknowledge and embrace them.

BIBLE VERSE: 1 Peter 1:6-7
 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help us to identify the high points of our lives that will transform and transmute us to higher levels. May every stumbling block elevate us into a higher place of purpose, blessing and abundance. Amen πŸ™πŸ½

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead. 

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