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Good Morning Beloved,

Have you ever planted a beanstalk? If you have , you will remember how fast it sprouts. Within a few days, you begin to see signs of growth. 
How about a mango seed? If you have ever planted one of those, you will most likely forget you even planted a seed before it begins to show signs. 
Have you ever witnessed the building process of a simple bungalow and a five storey building? Even with same materials and thesame engineers, a bungalow will be at roofing level in no time, while it might take the same amount of time to work on the foundation of the five storey building. 


We are still in the season of New Year resolutions, developing new ideas and the determination to make a difference. It comes with the season.

At this point when January is already half way gone, some people have already dropped their new year routines, some are tired of the routines already, while others are wondering why their ideas are not coming together.

For some of us, we have drawn out a very robust plan for the year; maybe even a new business idea or innovation that we want to embark on this year.

By experience, a few weeks from now (February) births a season of frustration and regret. That time when things are not really going as well or as fast as planned and we begin to ask ourselves questions:
 “we are already in the second month of the year. Why is nothing is happening?”… just Relax.
“How do I bring this to reality…” just Relax.
“Why is everyone else succeeding but mine is slow…” just Relax.

Nothing spoils a good plan and one's state of mind like Anxiety. Remember that we all do not grow at the same pace.

While there are people who get their desired outcomes and results at the go, there are people, ideas and innovations that requires time to grow.

Imagine the man who plants a grain of beans and a man who plants a mango. The bean stalk will sprout within a few days, while a mango tree will take weeks before showing any sign of growth. Give both plants a year or two. One will be standing while one would likely wither away. One would eventually grow tall and big with time, while the other would just birth other smaller plants. 

As unique as every idea is, so is the process of growth and development, so just Relax.

Do not beat yourself up because you see others who started at the same time as you, thriving and painting social media red. Just Relax!

Don’t be discouraged at the pace of your own success. Big plants need a firm root to support their growth, so they take time to grow under ground before showing physical growth. That is also why your plan doesn’t seem to come together. Allow yourself to work on a firm foundation before the big wins start rolling in.

A five story building will require more time to build a strong foundation, before laying the blocks that will stand tall in the sky. Where as, a bungalow will not require so deep a foundation. Just Relax!

As long as you are genuinely making efforts and keeping a positive mindset towards your goals, remember that our success and results will not show at the same time.

Just Relax, and keep putting in the regular effort you put into personal development, building your brand, getting the right network and showcasing your skills. 

They may look like small scattered efforts here and there, but it’s just your foundation stage.
They will soon all come together and bloom into a Big Tree that will bear long lasting fruits.

Just Relax! Some dreams take time to manifest.

BIBLE VERSE: Habakkuk 2:3
For the vision is still for the fixed time, and it is moving quickly to the end, and it will not be false: even if it is slow in coming, go on waiting for it; because it will certainly come, it will not be kept back.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we surrender to Your will and call on you to take the Lead. Today, we stand in the knowing that You will direct us to our places of success and victory.. Amen 

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead. 

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