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Good Morning Beloved

I know that before now you may have heard of the LAW OF ATTRACTION and how we can attract to ourselves, the kind of life we want. 

Asides being able to attract things, Do you know that YOU have the power to CREATE the kind of life you want? 

Do you know that you can manifest powerful changes in your life, just by thinking and creating in your mind; and speaking it out loud?

In Genesis 1:27, when God said he created man in his own image, we may interpret this as the physical image of God but  it actually goes beyond the physical.

When God created the world within 6 days, He did so simply by speaking what He wanted into existence ... "Let there be..." and there was. 

God created humans to be powerful beings, to be gods, and to wield the kind of power that He has…. Just as He is…. In His image. God equiped us to also be creators like Him. 

If God has created us in his own image and has given us such power of creation, we can also apply this and bring to life, the things that we desire by also speaking with the kind of authority and power God used.

Which means by word of mouth and our thoughts, we can create the kind of life we want and make changes to the  world around us, just like God did.

But before one can speak with authority and power, those words must have been conceived in the mind intensely, to convert mere  passing thoughts into powerful elements of manifestation.

If it were to be as easy as I have written above, won't we all be creators? Alas, there is a key to unlocking this miraculous aspect of our lives. 

It takes a man who has fully recognized the "God Power" in him to be able to apply God's Creation Technique of using our VOICE and speaking into creation.

To recognize this "God power", you have to be one with Him. See like Him and think like Him. You have to first understand that you have the same capacity to wield  metaphysical powers, same as any man or woman that has walked this earth before.

This is because “All Powers Belong To God” and every man was created with an equal right to tap into this power. Not only spiritualists, native doctors, pastors or alfas. All of us have an equal right to this power.

The best and easiest way to recognize this right is by recognizing God within us and knowing Him fully.

After this knowing of HIM, you have to see the kind of life you want. Create the pretty picture in your head, admire how beautiful it is an believe that you are worthy of it and can achieve it all. 

The ultimate way of finally creating your desires is by registering your thoughts in the universe by SPEAKING your World into existence. Speak with authority, the pretty picture you have created in your mind. Keep saying it... Don't stop talking it, till it comes to pass.

This will move the physical, spiritual and energetic aspects of your being and the world around you to start putting things to work, that will birth the picture you have created, what you want to achieve and what you have spoken.

The power of the VOICE is important in creating.

The only thing that can hinder your creation ability is fear, reluctance to do the required work or believing that something outside of you has more power than you. 

I am also coming into the knowledge of this truth and I employ you to join me as I create the kind of beauty, radiance, joy, love, celebrations, prosperity and wonderful World I want around me.

However, let our desires be guided by Love🧑.
LoveπŸ’› for God, LoveπŸ’š for ourselves, LoveπŸ’œ for others and Love❤️ for the earth in which you find yourself. 

It is this discovery of Love that will channel our passions and energies appropriately, for the manifestation of our desires. 

We should learn to use our VOICE, because it's God's words that created the World, therefore, our World depends on what we can VOICE into the Universe.

Keep Saying It. Don’t stop Talking it.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, unlock Your power of creation within me. With the authority You have given, I declare that this earth will work for my Favour. I speak in authority and command this earth to bring forth unlimited favour, grace and abundance. Amen πŸ™πŸ½

BIBLE VERSE: Genesis 1:27

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead.

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  1. A good listening ear always has the best to say, keep on going


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