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Good Morning Beloved!

I must admit that God has been exceptionally good to me in a special way. In my journey of going from nothing to becoming something, it has always been a story of “…thou prepared a table before me…” and it has been a great journey.

I won’t even dare to say that it has been easy because it has not. On my journey, I have hit the ground so many times. I have had it tough. I have fought through storms, dirt, deserts, wars and everything else. 

Most of my obstacles I would say were as a result of my own ego. Thinking that I was in control of my journey and what my life should be.  I had tried to work things out on my own and make things happen in places that were not meant for me, or at a time that wasn’t mine.

At a point in my life, there was this urge to make things happen fast. I started putting in more effort than required and in the process, I started making wrong decisions and desperate moves. 

Initially when you think you are in control, things begin to happen for you, and they happen really fast. It will look as if things are going well and your desperate moves are yielding results. That’s how the ego makes you feel. The ego wants to give you a ‘bragging’ right. To make you feel that you did it all on your own.

The ego pushes you to rush through everything, trample on people and ruin good relationships because it has a grandiose target it wants you to meet up with.

The trick about the journey of the ego is that it covers your destination with a cloud of “quick results” until you wake up one day and realize that you have been moving so fast towards the WRONG DIRECTION. That’s what the rush of the ego does to you. 

Because you have been relying on your personal power, you find yourself taking decisions that may seem good to you but are not in alignment with your journey. Hence, the ego feeds you with wrong decisions that will pile up and accumulate until you are forced to pause, retrace your steps and return to your self.

It’s not about how fast you are going in life. The main question is “Are you going towards the right direction?” 

Unlike the ego, Spirit is never in a hurry. There’s no rush with the Divine. God is never in a haste to make anything work. He feeds your journey only with what is needed at the appropriate time. Every step clearly mapped out.

Walking your journey with God requires you to SURRENDER and understand that He has the blueprint to your life. While God makes all the decisions and brings all the opportunities to you, it’s up to you to take the required actions that will bring God’s plan to manifestation.

When working with Spirit, bridges are mended, new relationships are built, new strategies are employed. When these bridges, strategies and relationships are developed and utilized, YOU MOVE WITH A SPEED that neither you nor the world can understand. Because you are walking in alignment with the One Being that knows where you are heading.

Are you feeling pressured, strained and overwhelmed by your journey? You could be blindly following your ego. It’s time for you to take a pause, let go of the reins of control and just surrender. Allow the All-Knowing Master of the Universe to take over.

It’s not a matter of how fast you are going. The question is, ARE YOU GOING TOWARDS THE RIGHT DIRECTION? 
As you go about your day today, ponder on these words.

BIBLE VERSE: Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
    and he will establish your plans.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, ignore the wants of our ego and set us on Your Divine path of fulfillment. In our life’s journey, let Your SPEED move us faster than the imaginations of men. Amen.

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead.

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