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LET’S BE TOLERANT - Elvira Jordan

LET’S BE TOLERANT - Elvira Jordan

Good Morning Beloved,

Today I want to share a little word about TOLERANCE.

At the time I penned this down, a certain Christian female student was lynched in Sokoto State by some Muslims, in the name of religious blasphemy. This incident had turned on something inside  a lot of people, especially Christians, pointing us to the fact that something is really wrong in the world around us. 

Most of us had condemned the actions of the Muslims, forgetting that even outside religion, we fail to accommodate the excesses and individualism of others. 

Asides the dark religious, traditional and cultural blankets we use to cover the depth of evil perpetrated by man against man, you will see that humanity has lost it. 

It is now a world of “survival of the fittest”. People trying so hard to make it in life and to live well, at the expense of others. People reacting to the slightest provocation without thought. Tribal and communal wars started over nothing. Kidnapping, ritual killings and organ harvesting. Political powers selfishly amassing the wealth of millions of people for themselves. It’s a whole crazy world we have. 

How about cases of child trafficking, molestation and abuse?
Discrimination of the rich and the poor; the high and mighty trampling on the weak.
People refused opportunities based on their religion, tribe, family background or skin colour.

Looking at things from a bird's-eye-view, such happenings are pointers to how far the human race has moved away from HUMANITY. 

Here in Nigeria, we have lynched people that are termed "witches" just by mere speculations. We refuse to associate with Eckists, Traditionalists and others who do not hold similar religious beliefs with us. 

We discriminate people who dress differently from our taste in fashion. We deny  opportunities and chances just based on their looks and appearance, or simply because their personality traits (that are not negative) does not conform with what we like. 

Why do we judge people based on earthly embargoes that were created by the human mind?

This statement "We are all created equally" is widely used but never really understood. 

We should all move away from our myopic view of life to give ourselves a broader vision. When we do so, we will realize that most of the things we hold in high value are not really important. The beauty of God is not in religious belief, not in appearance, not in wealth. It is in the creation called HUMAN... everything about US.

Things like religious belief, looks, skin colour, status, deformities, behavioural pattern are nothing but labels that are place by humans to cause a "Separation Mindset".

Thesame way you have strengths and weaknesses that are peculiar to you, and you expect others to accept you the way you are, so does every human who lives on this Earth. 

We are first humans before we became anything. Our differences does not deny us the right to live and the right to enjoy everything that exists on this Earth. 

The world will be a much better place if we put our HUMANITY above everything else, guide our actions with LOVE for humanity and tolerate the excesses of everyone.

I understand that their are some personality traits that are negative and may not be in line with our personal beliefs but we should also understand that everyone cannot be thesame and so our actions (even though it's not soothing to the other party) must be guided by Love.

The world will be a much better place if we can understand the beauty of the human race, how much of a link we have and how much a four letter word called LOVE can do.

In everything you do, for every person you come across, treat them as an extension of yourself and see how beautiful your world will become. 

As you go about your day today, I urge you to be more TOLERANT to the other passengers in the bus, your colleagues, the cleaner, that annoying receptionists, that begger on the road.

They all have thesame blood that flows through you. We all breath thesame air and will all leave this world one day and leave these earthly things that will hold so dear at the moment. 

In every situation, always choose the path of peace and of love.

Have some Tolerance. Develop your Humanity. Be love. 

I love you πŸ§‘πŸ’–❤️

BIBLE VERSE: Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 

PRAYER: Dear Lord, creating in me a heart of love, compassion and kindness to all. Let all that I do bring joy, happiness and peace to me and every one around. Crown this day with your blessings, and let the spirit of excellence and abundance follow me. 

Do have a Blessed Monday and a Successful Week ahead.
#elviraspen #monday #mondaymotivation #mindfulness #awakening #spirituality #spiritualawakening #life #love #beauty #portharcourt #bayelsa #benin #delta #lindaikeji #tundeednut #vacancy #jobs #portharcourtjobs

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