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Good Morning Beloved!

You know, there's this general standard of perfection and how the society perceives that we should act and behave. 

Of course, there are general standards and norms in the society that everyone needs to adhere to, but some standards that we strive so much to meet up with are mere colorations of what a certain group of people want everyone in the world to become. 

In this sense, these groups of people want their own standards to be the final and general, whereas, there are people who have naturally been created to be unique and to stand out. 

These imposed standards are not the norm or required, but were simply created by a certain group of people with certain beliefs and life patterns; and then they expect everyone to align with their own beliefs of what we should be and how we should live.

When we can't meet up to these general standards or maybe our own standards are a lot higher than the norm, we feel WRONG in being different from others. 

In order to blend in and feel like everyone else, we try to adjust ourselves, tone down our own beliefs just to conform with what the world wants us to be. 

Yet, we still find ourselves struggling to fit in; not because we haven't properly copied what the world expects from us but because that is not what we are meant to be. 

We are not chameleons that switch colours to blend in.

We are not meant to fit into the crowd and be like everyone else. 

We are not supposed to think black just because everyone else is thinking black. 

In a world where everyone is living in a particular way, it isn't necessary to reduce our standards to please the world or to raise them higher than we are supposed to, just because we want to be like everybody else. 

Today, I want you to be happy even though you don't think like everyone else, you don’t act the way everyone else acts, and you don’t believe in what everyone else believes.

It’s okay to be different. It’s okay not to be like everyone else.

Rather than struggling to fit into places where you were meant to stand out, strive harder to lean deep into the original person you are in the core of your soul. 

There is no crime in being your authentic self. You will only find judgement from people who have either masked or forgotten who they really are.

I want you to be comfortable with the things that make you Unique, but are mistaken by the world to be flaws.  

If you feel different  from the world, stand tall in being DIFFERENT.

Wear your UNIQUENESS like a badge of honour and feel lucky to be different from the rest. 

With the way our world is, before long, the abnormal will thrive over the normal ways of living and standards of life that has never changed humanity or moved it to another level. 

If your uniqueness is a gift from God, you were created to make a change by just being unique. Before you know it, your own uniqueness will become what people want to emulate. 

God created some of us different to set a new standard for the world to see.

Teach the world how to live by just being YOU. 

Bible Verse: Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to stand tall in the uniqueness that You have created me to be. That I will not be swayed by the world, but renewed in Your Light everyday. Amen πŸ™πŸ½ 

Do have a Blessed  Monday and Successful Week!! 


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